Guest Blogger: Claire Wirth of Instagram: wirththewait
Adventures of being a boy mom, IUI baby due February 2020
Rainbow baby...
a term some of us expecting after loss cherish using & a term some don’t want to use at all.
For me, I truly love calling this child growing I am growing my rainbow baby...that’s exactly what he is, the rainbow after our storm.
He is my reminder there is a glimmer of hope after one of the toughest chapters of my life.
During loss, I had to smile through my pain for work and for my baby boy who had no idea what was happening, he was only 15 months at the time.
I longed for the day I was pregnant again with our rainbow.
Where do you stand....for or against the term “rainbow baby?”🌈
(this picture is from my pregnancy announcement)
I will never forget the day we took these “day in the life” Photos.
It was a few days after I had heard “not a viable pregnancy” and every time I look at them it is all I can think of. That moment in time truly felt like pain.
Pain I have never felt before in my life. Waiting for my body to miscarry our baby we wanted so badly.
Never wanting to let go. Some days I feel so guilty for thinking this way, while carrying my rainbow baby...and wondering who it was that we lost.
We would have a 3 month old baby right now - it’s hard to let that thought go, even though I can’t wait to meet my little boy! Mom guilt gets the best of me some days.
Photo Above by Sonju Photography