FEATURED Guest Mama Blogger: Infertility

13 months TTC, 1 loss, and 2 IUIs later...

this was the day we got to see our rainbow baby for the first time.

I wouldn’t say I was excited for this day, I was more anxious than anything!

Would there be a sac, would there be a bean, would there be a heartbeat, would there be ANYTHING?

These were the thoughts that ran through my head leading up to this appointment.

We sat down in the room and my OB could find the sac quickly, but nothing inside (at first).

My heart sank - I knew this was going to happen.

I knew it.

I could see him trying to do everything he could to find baby.

He asked the nurse to move us to the other room because he wanted to use a different ultrasound machine.

Minutes felt like hours...

I sat down and there it was.

My precious dot with a flickering heartbeat.

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I couldn’t believe it. Relief set in for a minute, before I could start worrying about my next appointment and seeing a heartbeat!

Once you experience loss and/or infertility, all sense of being naive about pregnancy vanish.

It isn’t always roses and happiness...

it’s a lot of stress, anxiety, and worrying.
