VBAC SUCCESS in South Florida with Midwives Gelena Hinkley, Sandra Lobaina and Doula Sandra Murillo

Guest Blogger:

Midwife Gelena Hinkley of P3Birth and Natural Birthworks Birth Center in Margate, Florida

Midwife Gelena:

How can I not share another beautiful VBAC success?

It's beyond empowering and inspiring for women. Especially in states that have maybe a handful of MDs that support it, us Midwives can't help but boast when our mama's do it.

vbac with midwife and OBGYN in south florida fort lauderdale

This mom worked SO hard, broke through all her fear and doubt, and had the best team to get her through it.

Your birth team is ESSENTIAL TO SUCCESS!

It's not just ok to do VBACs but you need to be supportive of VBACs.

There's a difference believe me;

"I'll let you VBAC" vs. "We are doing a VBAC".

This mom had a VBAC friendly birth photographer (who should be a doula),

a doula,

VBAC supportive Midwives,

a great back up plan with a VBAC supportive MD

and her family who trusted her and the process.

Note from Birth Photographer to midwife’s above comment:

That is such a beautiful thing to say Gelena, I am so incredibly touched by that. Thank you. Those words mean so much to me. Over 6 years, while being a birth story teller, I have been practicing intuition-led birth work. I have never stayed in the shadows because I am just the photographer. I have always stepped up to fill in the deficit, when my clients have chosen not to hire a doula, or hired the wrong provider that they only realized during labor, or their doula/partner/midwife are all taking a 2 minute break and she needs some water or back compressions. I am two (or 3 I lost track) months into my official certification to become an official certified doula, because the medical world and hospitals does not recognize me as a birth worker unless I have a certification. But I am so proud to be doing this for our community, for my mamas, and to continue being an advocate in the lives of families that need it. 

Midwife, Birth Photographer, Midwife before the coffee kicked in ;)

Midwife, Birth Photographer, Midwife before the coffee kicked in ;)

placenta encapsulation and delayed cord clamping in south florida

This beautiful munchkin who worked so hard with her mama!

Sincerest thank you to this mama’s incredible birth team and especially to midwife Gelena who wrote this beautiful VBAC Success blog post.

Check out Midwife Gelena

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