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A positive birth experience

Does not just come

with attending all your prenatal visits

This is much more that goes into actually walking out of your birth having had a positive birth experience.

Step 1

Build Your Birth Team:

Is to build a birth team (OBGYN or Midwife, Labor Doula, Hospital, Birth Center or Home, Birth Photographer, Post partum doula or nurse) and make sure you trust them flawlessly at 100%. Remember to give yourself grace. Everything in life is constantly changing. If you built a birth team and you're in your 2nd or 3rd trimester and realized it is no the right birth team for you, you have time and options to rebuild. For birth workers: it is our job to support mamas to the best of our abilities, and it is YOUR JOB to make sure the birth experience you have is the one you can live with for the rest of your life. 

Step 2

Your Own Birth Education:

Step 2. What do you know about pregnancy, labor, birth, post partum, breastfeeding, bleeding after birth, belly binding, breathing through contractions, nourishing in the post partum, how your partner can be in involved, ask yourself what do you know? For every single area you find yourself at a deficit of information/knowledge >>>>> pursue education. There are childbirth education classes, but are they full spectrum? Will they teach you how to connect with your baby and your body on a personal level? (For some mamas it could be spiritual connection, for others emotional connection) 1 childbirth education class may not be enough for you. Seek other methods of education via local birth centers, deeply involved in the community labor + post partum doulas. 

This is at the end of the day YOUR BIRTH and POST PARTUM experience.

You will own it.

Choose a path that feels completely right and empowering for you.

Choose a path that sounds like the one you'd love to share with your child one day. 


#positivebirth #empoweredbirth #educatedmama
