This beautiful first time mom’s birth took place at one of my favorite labor and delivery units in South Florida: Boca Raton Regional Hospital.
I love this hospital largely because it is known for its family-centered approach to maternity care, their tremendous belief in and support of local birth doulas, working together with midwives, frequent families choosing this facility for their vbacs (vaginal birth after c-section) and the labor and delivery RNs at this hospital are entirely familiar with and supportive of women planning unmedicated deliveries. In fact, every one of their 12 labor and delivery rooms at Boca Regional have a large poster of all the recommending positions to try in labor to help babies move down from Spinning Babies. When I first started seeing these posters displayed in the L&D rooms, I initially was surprised and then realized, why am I surprised? Their RNs are known for using essential oils to help calm or invigorate laboring mamas, warm blankets when laboring women aren’t using shower/tubs for hydrotherapy in labor to give them the comfort and relaxation of ‘warm therapy’, they are so familiar with and use to walking into the delivery room that has all the lights off, gentle music playing, essential oils diffusing, and light machines set up with stars or mimicking aurora borealis on the walls and ceiling to help set the mood. Of course these nurses would be completely down with following Spinning Babies protocol on moving babies down! Anything to lower unnecessary and unwanted c-section rates!
And if you’re unfamiliar with Spinning Babies, its a physical approach to birth that helps baby to rotate during labor which lengthens and tones the muscles, balances your body in labor, and releases your myofascia so that if rotation is easier for the baby, birth is easier for the mother.
If you're curious about other birth spaces, such as birth centers and home births, I have photographed a beautiful and peaceful water births, and one specific one comes to mind at a local birthing center Natural BirthWorks Birth Center Water Birth. Remember moms, each birth experience is unique and special in its own way, and as long as my birth photography client feels empowered, safe and happy, and is trusting her birth team, I am 100% supportive of the birth she prefers, whether medical, home, surgical, etc.