All Women Who Birth Are POWERFUL

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Yesterday I shared on IG stories about a powerful birth that captivated me. A mama and her husband caught their son on hands and knees in a hospital birth. We were all in pure awe of her as she birthed her baby while we all quietly witnessed - what incredible raw feminine power & full surrender and trust in her body and her baby!

But as I shared this story, I had a lot of other feelings I wanted to share with you, cause often times we all write about how incredible these experiences are, but I see so much more.

How about the mama who didn't go into labor and at 42 weeks was induced, went through a 3 day induction, dilated to 10 centimeters and then birthed her baby by cesarean? MAN what a powerful woman that leaves me in admiration! No matter what pregnancy and birth cast her way, she kept with the path to her child.

And the first time mama who listened to her intuition that told her that her baby needed to be born via belly, but no one else trusted the mama the way she trusted herself, and when she went into labor, her baby was soooo breech that they did deliver her baby via her belly after all. What an incredible woman who was wise and intuitive and knew exactly what her first child needed, I am in such awe of her!

And the mamas who catch their babies all on their own at home, where their home birth midwife isn't in any of my pictures because mom and dad caught their baby. How beautiful and intuitive they knew their baby needed to be born at home into his parent's arms. I was so captivated by these parents.

Often times we go online and we boast about the magical unicorn births, but we forget, that they are all magical unicorn births. There is no failure in birth. There is no such thing as "failure to progress" because some babies know better than ALL of us, their mama didn't fail to progress, baby's plan was a belly birth the whole time. Those births too are magical unicorn births. Those mothers too, leave me in awe of their courage and their purest of love for their babies, that kind of love is born the moment a woman is reborn as a mother.
