How to Avoid a Bad Birth Experience in Csection South Florida

birth center midwife south florida

It is my MOTHERHOOD WEEK! 8 years ago I was about to become a mama for the first time...

(this Saturday 11/7) 

So this week we're talking birth experience and how to avoid having a negative experience, particularly right now during the pandemic. 

Just because there is a pandemic and the entire world seems to be set up to take away our pregnancy / birthing experiences, this does not mean it no longer is YOUR BIRTH EXPERIENCE.

While you see in this image of Ashley's @makehomewarm birth surrounded by birth workers in masks, what I will share is that Ashley built her own birth team, she hand selected her midwives, her birth center, her labor doula & me: her birth story teller. 

Despite the disconnect we have been feeling during this pandemic, especially expecting families are feeling with the inability to hug their midwives or even show each other our smiles, CHOOSING YOUR BIRTH TEAM CAREFULLY + ASSERTIVELY HAS NEVER BEEN MORE IMPORTANT THAN NOW. 


Do not select your birth team

just because your friend/sister had a

great experience.

I call you to judge that birth team

by your OWN personal criteria:

Questions to Ask Yourself

When Seeking an OBGYN ( Obstetrician ) or Midwife (CNM or LM) to deliver your baby:

  1. What are you expecting from your birth provider?

2. Is their personality important to you? (ie. assertive, outspoken, soft spoken, nurturing, direct, compassionate)

3. Are statistics important to you? (how many c/sections, vbacs (vaginal births after c-sections), inductions (especially inductions as a first time mother)?)

4. Prenatal visits- Do you expect to be educated on options, are patient, longer visits important to you? 

5. Community opinion- is the community opinion of your provider important to you?

Example: if it seems like almost every one you know is praising them vs. almost everyone you know raises their eyebrows or says yikes when you mention their name

6. How they feel about labor doulas? (and if they are against doulas, why is that?) 

7. How they feel about your birth preferences? Ok so maybe you don't want to make a birth plan, thats ok, it's hard enough to plan a birth, because we never know what your baby and your body will do, but that doesn't mean you can't have preferences, so how does your provider feel about YOUR expectations? 

8. Above all, follow your intuition! Your gut instincts! 
