What to Eat After Giving Birth - World Food Day Post

what can i eat during labor

October 16th is World Food Day So I thought.... HEY! Why don't I show you what food my families have eaten at their births! So many expecting mothers in south Florida ask “what can I eat during labor?” and the more popular question is “What food will I eat after I give birth?” Also referred to as:

The First Postpartum Meal

What did you eat after you gave birth??

Throw an emoji down in the comments! 

If you're a Midwife/OB, do you focus on getting your mamas to eat as soon as possible following labor? Why or why not? 

Below I’d love to share a 10 image series with food from 10 different births! Can you relate to any of these meals? I made a note about which one I wish I could eat right now!!

can I eat a salad after birth

Image #1

The Postpartum Salad

Think NOURISHING foods for postpartum

From makehomewarm Ashley’s birth --- this salad that I am totally drooling over was created by her amazing hubs @chefdanieldiaz Connect with him here daniel@americanoeats.com

can I eat a sandwich after birth

Image #2

The Postpartum Sandwich (and a balance of fruits)

The delicious meal (wishing I could eat this now!) my mama @megliz.owoc had after she met her 4th baby (a beautiful baby girl named Carrington!)

Boca Raton Regional Hospital Florida What food do they serve in post partum labor and delivery

Image #3

Meal example @baptisthealthsf at Boca Raton Regional Hospital in Boca Raton, FL

Meal you can anticipate in post partum. (from @thebestchels !) 

Can I eat Can I eat smoked salmon after I give birth

Image #4

This spread is from a special client who I've photographed TWO births for, baby #6 + baby #7

can I eat during labor?

Image #5

One of my fav ever (Good Samaritan in West Palm Beach, FL) my client's OB said she needed energy for labor + birth and she ordered some breakfast from downstairs

Birth with Dr. Dudley Brown of @browninstitute

Salad nourishing vitamins post partum food

Image #6

We ordered local @naturalbirthworks salad looks incredible... 

can I eat sushi after giving birth?

Image #7

Delicious sushi

( @deliverydudes brought it over to Boca Regional) and @indiapaulino was up + eating while standing 1 hour after meeting her baby boy!!! #warriorwoman

are boiled eggs good for protein after giving birth in post partum

Image #8

Boiling eggies

From my one unassisted home birth I attended 5 years ago

can i drink soda after giving birth? boca raton regional hospital baptist health

Image #9

It's not always food!

This mama was craving a diet coke after her successful vbac with @drjrudolph 4 years ago

what food should i prepare for my birth team for home birth with a midwife florida

Image #10

The Spread

My home birth family from the first day of school 4 years ago prepared the most amazing spread for their birth team! I will never forget it!! It was so thoughtful! 

Most images are from home births... there is always a delay with eating after many hospital births. Not all home birth mamas want to eat immediately, some have no appetite. I've witnessed certain midwives helping to find a food that sounds appetizing to each different mama after every birth. I am only at births for 1-2 hours post partum so you can see the difference in time eating after birth in home births v. hospital births.

#worldfoodday #worldfoodday2020