I just joined Evolution Yoga (in Coconut Creek off of 441 just south of Hillsboro Blvd). There are a few studios in Coral Springs and I spent a few days testing out classes in each but ultimately this is the one I felt most connected to.
Jennifer Radnay, labor doula and yoga instructor
One day after class I ran into Jennifer Radnay (who is an incredible labor doula as well as prenatal yoga instructor). I also ran into Dr. Kathleen Vigo -- my dearest friend, she is an obstetric physical therapist -- which means she only works with expecting and post partum mommies! (I am also capturing her baby girl's birth in the next couple of weeks!) It was a very surprising and beautiful day!
I learned that every Tuesday at 1030am Jennifer teaches a prenatal yoga class at Evolution Yoga off of 441 in Coconut Creek. I had just finished a hot yoga session there with yogi Maxine Schwartz and I decided to stay for the prenatal yoga class to create my own opinion of the class before recommending it to other mamas, so that I could say that I really tried it and it is amazing. I really love that the class started off with Jennifer giving out positive affirmations printed on papers, each mama chose the ones that spoke most to her, I even found two that spoke to me as a mommy who gave birth nearly 3 years ago, and we went around in a circle and shared the positive affirmations out loud which really made the mood in the room peaceful and positive before the yoga practice.
My favorite part of the class was when Jennifer came around to each mommy and helped correct her position for the ultimate stretch and comfort sinking into it. I wasn't really expecting this in a prenatal class, or I guess I don't know what I was expecting! I didn't realize it would be so personalized and connected, it really made me feel like I was doing the best thing for my body, not just attending a class where I was just another attendee.
The different yoga positions allowed for using foam blocks/blankets when pregnant, or doing them without the extra items for more of a challenge. When I left the class I really felt like it challenged me, and the pregnant mommies all said they felt really relaxed. It was a beautiful class filled with so much positive emotion and positive energy that I ended up tearing up as we were all saying goodbye until next Tuesday.
This experience was so amazing I wanted to share it with you all, even if you pop in for one class to try it out, I think you'd leave feeling the same way as we all did. I do not get any sort of referral credit for bringing in mommies, I simply wanted to share the love with you all! And the exciting part is that the studio is doing 30 days for $30 right now, which is the reason I signed up, and plan on going every day. I missed one day because I had a birth client in the hospital, but today I was back at 12pm with a class with Tresa Anderson which was the exact level of intensity I needed to heal my body from all the energy and tension that tends to build up when you're a birth worker. (Thank you Tresa!!)
If anyone would like to go on Tuesday next week, July 24th, at 1030am (thats July 24th) just pop me and email and I'd be happy to accompany you so you don't have to go alone :)
This is also a really wonderful opportunity for mommies to build their mommy tribe for their pregnancy and their post partum. Meet other mommies who are going through exactly what you are and can relate to you and support you in your journey.
with Jennifer Radnay
This is a new class coming July 27th at 11am, also taught by Jennifer (who has a great deal of experience working with post partum, healing mommies (both emotionally and physically healing) and she is bringing this class starting that Friday morning. I would be happy to join you all too! I am curious to see for myself :) All babies between the ages of 6 weeks - 12 months are welcome!
Sending all my love to each and everyone of you!