Lifestyle Photo Sessions | Preserve your memories forever

Meet my partner Lena. She is my best friend. Her family is from Germany and she is so sweet, that girl next door vibe :)

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Lena is the mother & woman who inspires me to take better care of myself. When you work in the birth world (the birth industry) you tend to do so with an overflowing heart. Wanting to give all your love and time to everyone around you, and often forget self care.

Watching Lena be so adamant about putting her family and little ones first, having that clear mind and determination of what her goals, love for her art and life priorities are, helps to inspire me everyday. First it started with me taking the time to really dress myself to feel happy and good about myself when I look in the mirror. It is amazing how putting on a flattering outfit can lift you up, in terms of making you feel good about yourself! Then she inspired me to cook more for my family. It's little things like this that really make a difference in my everyday life. The details. Lena is all about details and she puts so much love and care into everything she does. 

Lena is an amazing lifestyle photographer. She has a fiery passion for eternalizing every little moment before our kids get too big. 

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When you treasure the newborn moments that fleet so quickly when your little one doubles their birth weight in just a few short weeks, then slowly starts to smile everyday and then next thing you know, your newborn baby is an infant who is sitting unassisted, and you are just yearning to hold onto them while they are still tiny, and to remember the entire first year with your little miracle. 
