South Florida Breastfeeding Stories: Overcoming Challenges, Embracing Triumphs

Breastfeeding is a beautiful, intimate journey. It's also one filled with unique challenges and triumphs. I reached out to mothers I've photographed over the years, inviting them to share their breastfeeding stories. Their candidness and vulnerability offer valuable insights for expectant and new mothers in South Florida.

Real Mothers, Real Experiences:

  • Kate: Overcoming latching difficulties and navigating breastfeeding as a working mom. Her strength and determination led to an incredible 19-month journey.

  • Ida: Pushing through latch issues and refusing to give up, ultimately nursing three children. Her experience underscores the importance of perseverance and challenging societal norms.

  • Nicole: Embracing the exhaustion and intensity of the early months, finding joy in the unique bond created through breastfeeding. Her photos serve as cherished reminders of those precious moments.

  • Nina: Acknowledging the challenges and celebrating the rewards of providing the healthiest start for her child. Her photographs capture a proud moment of motherhood.

  • Elissa: Overcoming various breastfeeding hurdles, including a NICU stay and oversupply. Her story emphasizes the power of a strong support system.

  • Luz: Listening to her babies' needs and prioritizing their connection. Her photos capture the essence of a mother's love and dedication.

  • Melanie: Trusting her instincts and overcoming early breastfeeding challenges. Her photos will serve as a reminder of her strength and resilience for years to come.

I had no idea what to expect of breastfeeding.  When I was pregnant and people asked if I was going to I'd always said I would give it a try.  It seemed that so many people had difficulty and I didn't want to put that kind of pressure on m…

I had no idea what to expect of breastfeeding.  When I was pregnant and people asked if I was going to I'd always said I would give it a try.  It seemed that so many people had difficulty and I didn't want to put that kind of pressure on myself.  When Jed arrived via c-section and we were separated for 45 minutes because he had to get his lungs checked I panicked a bit that breastfeeding wouldn't come naturally.  I was so pleasantly surprised and elated when he immediately latched!  From that moment I knew that being able to feed my child was such a special gift!  We struggled a bit in those first days with a latch that hurt me but my chiropractor was able to do a small adjustment in Jed's mouth to improve that.  It was fascinating!  In the weeks and months that followed breastfeeding was the single most challenging and rewarded experience of motherhood.  With the support of my husband, mom tribe, facebook groups, and websites I was able to power through when I wanted to give up.  I realized just how lucky we are to have those resources and how invaluable that support was for getting me through the hardest days.  I refused to give up and realized that the benefits greatly outweighed sore nipples, sleepless nights and being inconvenienced.  I continued to breastfeed after going back to work full-time, pumping in an IT room 3x a day for 9 months and even while traveling for business in airport bathrooms and empty offices.  We far exceeded my original goal of 1 year making it all the way to 19 months!  The picture taken of us in those early weeks makes me so proud!  I had no idea where the journey was taking me.  I was a new mom trying to navigate through it all and have faith and trust in the process.  When I look back on that image I feel so strong and powerful!  I set out into the unknown and pushed past my fears and struggles to have the most beautiful experience a mother and baby can share.  When I look back on that image I feel strong and powerful - I feel like a Superhero! - Kate

Breastfeeding was very important to me from the beginning. In my mind I thought it would be easy and it would just come naturally. However everyone deals with struggles, and pushing through is the best decision I ever made. Supply was never an issue…

Breastfeeding was very important to me from the beginning. In my mind I thought it would be easy and it would just come naturally. However everyone deals with struggles, and pushing through is the best decision I ever made. Supply was never an issue for me however my my daughter had latch issues. For the first three weeks of her life I had to pump and bottle feed her every 2 1/2 hours. I refused to give up, and I'm so glad that I didn't throw in the towel. After three weeks she began to latch beautifully on her own and we went on to nurse until she was 20 months old. Since nursing Chloe I have been able to breastfeed through two pregnancies and nurse two healthy boys. The photo that Paulina captured of myself and my daughter while I was pregnant with my first son made me feel incredible. Her photos are so much more than pictures to me, they are moments that I will cherish for all my life. Through my experience with Paulina I was able to be more bold in motherhood and life. Breastfeeding is not something to be ashamed of, or to be hidden and I wish more mothers would understand that. Nursing is not for everyone but for those who choose to breastfeed their children they should not feel like they have to hide. Breastfeeding is completely natural and society is wrong in telling us to hide, no child should have to be covered up in the heat or have to eat in the car or the bathroom. Be proud of your breastfeeding journey and don't be afraid of nursing in public or making others uncomfortable. If they're uncomfortable, they can go eat in their car or the bathroom. You're body was made for this, and be proud of that. - Ida

Breastfeeding has been a beautiful journey for us. He latched quickly, I barely felt pain, and he was (and still is) a quick feeder. The most difficult thing for me was the feeling that my body wasn't mine anymore. The first few months he nursed eve…

Breastfeeding has been a beautiful journey for us. He latched quickly, I barely felt pain, and he was (and still is) a quick feeder. The most difficult thing for me was the feeling that my body wasn't mine anymore. The first few months he nursed every 20 minutes. All day and all night! It was truly exhausting. He is almost 14 months now and I am glad we continued and have made it this far!! 

Breastfeeding has helped create such an amazing bond between us. There is no better feeling than holding my baby close and having him look at me as if I'm the only thing in the world. I love that Paulina was able to capture that moment. I know one day he will grow up and he won't look at me like that anymore. I'm so grateful that I have the moment captured forever.

- Nicole

 No one told me that breastfeeding would be the hardest thing I'd ever do! A support system and determination are the two most important keys to success, particularly during the tough times. Know that it will get easier, and you will be so satisfied…


No one told me that breastfeeding would be the hardest thing I'd ever do! A support system and determination are the two most important keys to success, particularly during the tough times. Know that it will get easier, and you will be so satisfied knowing that you provided your child the healthiest possible start in life. The photographs that Paulina took capture a precious moment in time with my son that I will always be able to look back on and remember proudly. - Nina

I have over come several breastfeeding obstacles such as, excessive weight loss in a newborn, dysfunctional tongue, a NICU stay, flat nipples, oversupply & a forceful letdown. All were challenging in different ways, the excessive weight loss cou…

I have over come several breastfeeding obstacles such as, excessive weight loss in a newborn, dysfunctional tongue, a NICU stay, flat nipples, oversupply & a forceful letdown. All were challenging in different ways, the excessive weight loss could have been truly devastating, especially since it was with my first child and it could have ended our breastfeeding relationship way too early. Luckily I had the support of my husband, our pediatrician, friends, a lactation consultant and the La Leche League. Because of all the support I was able to move past this phase quickly and continue breastfeeding my child until he self weaned at 2 years old. My daughter (my second child) was in the NICU for 10 long days, and due to her birth she was unable to suck properly for the first 36 hours causing the insertion of a feeding tube. Luckily I had an amazing nurse and I myself was very insistent on pumping and nursing so my baby was able to have 100% breast milk from the start. I also couldn't hold her for three days due to certain medical circumstances, but that did not stop me from leaning into the NICU crib to nurse my baby despite the pain it caused me. My baby girl was a fighter from the start and despite our challenges she latched perfectly and we are 16 months going strong. Lack of support is the biggest reason women give up on breastfeeding. Luckily I had an amazing support system in place and I can't say enough good things about each and every person that played a role in our journey. - Elissa

I nursed my son for 2 years, now I'm nursing my daughter and I'm planning on doing it for however long we both decide. The biggest thing I've learned is that it's only about my babies and I. It doesn't have to be convenient for anybody but us. I lea…

I nursed my son for 2 years, now I'm nursing my daughter and I'm planning on doing it for however long we both decide. The biggest thing I've learned is that it's only about my babies and I. It doesn't have to be convenient for anybody but us. I learned to listen to them instead of a schedule, my body knew exactly what they needed when they were sick, teething, sad or sleepy. 

The images I have from those moments mean so much to me. It's a reminder that at one point in their lives, I used to be everything they needed. The world could stop, cause everything was fine as long as we were together.  - Luz

When my daughter was just a few days old, she had lost a little weight like most babies do. Her pediatrician recommended supplementing, but I knew in my heart that was against what my husband and I wanted. We did not supplement, and only fed her bre…

When my daughter was just a few days old, she had lost a little weight like most babies do. Her pediatrician recommended supplementing, but I knew in my heart that was against what my husband and I wanted. We did not supplement, and only fed her breast milk for the first six months of her life. It was hard sometimes. I struggled in the first six or seven weeks with a poor latch on one side, milk blisters, and clogged ducts. There were tears and  nearly sleepless nights. But it was all worth it. She is absolutely perfect and healthy. There aren't words for how glad I am that we documented this amazing journey together with photographs.

When she is done nursing, when our midnight snuggles and gazing at each other while nursing are a distant memory, I will have these photographs to remind me of one of the happiest times of my life. Best of all, I'll be able to share the photos with my daughter when she is a new mother with embarking on her own breastfeeding journey. - Melanie

Breastfeeding Resources in South Florida:

These mothers' stories highlight the importance of seeking support during your breastfeeding journey. Connect with local resources like La Leche League and certified lactation consultants for expert guidance and encouragement.

Boca Raton & South Florida Breastfeeding Photographer:

I'm privileged to capture the intimate bond between mothers and babies through breastfeeding photography. My approach is gentle and respectful, allowing you to focus on your connection while I create timeless images that you'll treasure forever.

Serving Broward, Palm Beach, Martin & St. Lucie Counties:

I'm here to document your unique breastfeeding journey, providing beautiful photographs that celebrate the love and strength of motherhood.

Contact Me Today!

Let's capture the essence of your breastfeeding experience.